Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Close encounter

Myapology,andespeciallytoOlivieraboutyesterday'spost,myspellingisusuallybetter. Here'sasceneprobablyquiteuniqueforHK,italmostseemsthisbusiscrashingintothebuilding,
somekindofconsistentmadnessinthecity. Youcanalsoseesimilarsceneinthispreviouspost.
Ifyouarereadinguptohereyoumustbeaverypatientpersonwithgreatsenseofhumor! LOL

Désolé, etsurtoutàOlivierdela posted'hier,monorthographeestd'habitudemieux.
EsticiunescèneprobablementtoutàfaituniquepourHK,ilsemblepresquecetautobuss'écrasedansle bâtiment,quelquegenredefoliecohérentedanslaville.
Vouspouvezvoiraussilascènesimilaire danscetteposteprécédente. Sivouspouvezlirerejusqu'àprésentvousdoitêtretrèspatientaveclegrandsensd'humour !

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camera Hong kong

Comments on "Close encounter"


Blogger alice said ... (November 07, 2006 4:14 PM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (November 07, 2006 8:55 PM) : 

First I thought you spilt coffee on you keyboard yesterday; and apparently the [space] bar stop working this morning. :-) Wow, those words were tighter than 2 coats of paint; they got my attention alright. Btw, riding those maniac driven buses on top of those tall highways must be thrilling, not to mention scary!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (November 07, 2006 10:25 PM) : 

You left a space between "city." and "Youcan". Force of habit? Chickened out? You wimp! :-)

I love the saturated colours of the bus against the pastels of the buildings. This is so captivating to my eye that my eye refuses to see more than a few branches of the tree framing the right-hand-side of the photo. This photo has grabbed much more than its fair share of screen time on my computer this morning. Humph! :-)


Blogger Randy said ... (November 08, 2006 1:02 AM) : 

Great colors!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (November 08, 2006 1:27 AM) : 

bel effet ta photo. j'espere que la route tourne aprés ;o) merci pour la version française, et j'ais tout lu. voila une maniere tres originale et tres amusante de presenter son post. bravo

beautiful effect your photograph. I hope that the road turns after ;O) thank you for the French version, and I board very read. veiled a very original manner and very amusing to present its post. cheer


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (November 08, 2006 4:30 AM) : 

Seems you're having lots of fun with your recent posts! Or is this only a way to distract yourself from habitual boredom? Keep up sharing your beautiful pics with us! =)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (November 08, 2006 9:59 AM) : 



Blogger Lisi said ... (November 08, 2006 2:06 PM) : 

w, spilling liquid on my laptop is my recurring nightmare...it never happened, I've just heard enough of the disaster to have nightmares about it...

briang, if I've gone nuts then you must be even "nutter" because you are proofreading it, LOL, have you proofread yesterday's???? we're waiting...

alice, I guess you're speechless

Olivier, thanks for your patience and good humor, I bet you really did figure out the French version.

randy, thank you!

Monique, to be sane I have to go a bit insane once in a while :-)

James, whateverhappenedtomyspacebarmusthavehappenedtoyoursaswell

Thanks for bearing with me, I can imagine some of you frowning at this post ;p


Blogger Kala said ... (November 08, 2006 6:19 PM) : 

looks like you can speak french?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (November 08, 2006 8:00 PM) : 

iwasblursincethepostfromyesterday! Lisi, please buy a new keyboard..lol!


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