Monday, July 24, 2006

A whale of a good time

Odd scene, isn't it? Yellow whale on land spitting out kids and the kids were having a whale of a good time!

I took this photo yesterday afternoon outside a small shopping mall (after I went home, grabbed my camera and had to go to my parents' place).

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camera Hong kong

Comments on "A whale of a good time"


Blogger edwin s said ... (July 24, 2006 7:12 PM) : 

so much fun but they never let adults share in the joy!


Blogger Sally said ... (July 24, 2006 8:12 PM) : 


Here they put bumpers and 'soft landings' at the end - some parent might sue is a bit of shin gets scraped!


Blogger Jazzy said ... (July 24, 2006 8:37 PM) : 

Cool photo, ths kids are loving it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (July 25, 2006 10:28 AM) : 

It's so fun to be a kid...hope all of us can go back sometimes :)


Blogger José Luis Avila Herrera said ... (July 25, 2006 12:20 PM) : 

Señor Lisi: Deberia estar usted agradecido conmigo por darle la oportunidad de ser conocido por mis 20 000 lectores diarios.

Si usted observa en Blogtopsites, estoy posicionado en el numero 5 en la categoria de Photoblogs.

Ademas mi blog es el numero 1 de Mexico.

Si no desea ser enlazado, elimine su blog o yo mismo lo hare.

Espero respuesta...

Dead Lisi: Deberia to be you thanked for with me to give the opportunity him of being known by my 20 000 daily readers. If you observe in Blogtopsites, I am positioned in I number 5 in the category of Photoblogs. In addition my blog is I number 1 of Mexico. If it does not wish to be connected, it eliminates his blog or i myself hare.

I wait for answer…


Blogger Michael Salone said ... (July 25, 2006 12:54 PM) : 

Ok, move over kiddies, I want to try this and I want you outta my way! Two whales in the same space is verrrryy dangerous!

Also, what IS Jose Luis Avila Herrera saying?


Blogger Lisi said ... (July 25, 2006 1:00 PM) : 

Michael, it is regarding a case of unauthorized use of one of HKDP's image. I hope I haven't got him wrong but I don't think it is justified because his blog is very popular. Maybe somebody who know spanish can clarify the translatioin ;-(


Blogger Kala said ... (July 26, 2006 4:49 PM) : 

at least this whale is friendly and spits the kids out alive hehe - nice yellow - and oh so bright =)


Blogger Citizen_Stu said ... (July 28, 2006 5:21 AM) : 

That looks like fun


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