Sunday, July 23, 2006


I took this photo at a booze shop in SoHo a while ago. Seriously, I don't drink......I mean I don't drink much but today I did something as silly as a drunk. This afternoon, with a few ideas in mind, I got my tripod, lense and what not, traveled to Wanchai with big plan for photos. After a bit of walking around, it was time for action and also the shining moment that I found out I had brought everything BUT my camera!

Well, I hope you'll find something you like from these shelves......Btw, does anyone from HK know of a place which carries gluweine? ;-)

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camera Hong kong

Comments on "Booze"


Blogger Mark said ... (July 24, 2006 6:42 AM) : 

I'll have a whiskey coke with lots of ice please Lisi:)


Blogger Denton said ... (July 24, 2006 11:24 AM) : 

In similar fashion, today I removed my camera battery to be charged then later carried my camera without a battery when I went to a festival. I missed several great photos. PS: To they serve margaritas is HK?


Blogger Michael Salone said ... (July 24, 2006 12:53 PM) : 

Very funny Lisi! And by the way, what is gluweine? Wine that sticks to you?


Blogger Lisi said ... (July 24, 2006 1:32 PM) : 

Michael, it's German and it must be the real meaning, haha, it's a kind of hot wine, very good in winter, I first tried it in Vienna last winter and it has stuck with me since then, I love it ;-)


Blogger Felicia said ... (July 24, 2006 3:27 PM) : 

To me, some of the bottles look like they could be shampoo! Bummer about forgetting the's like changing purses sometimes.


Blogger Kala said ... (July 24, 2006 4:36 PM) : 

that is a funny story - I hope i dont forget my camera if i bring all thos other things - I actually don't drink much either ;)

But I love the bottles designs and colors =)


Blogger Lisi said ... (July 24, 2006 7:01 PM) : 

Denton, yes margaritas in HK and with some variations too

Santy, I like Absolut's adv too!

Thank you everyone for your footprints!


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